Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How to Create a Secure Password

While we live in a technologically advanced world where we turn to our computers and the internet for almost everything imaginable, it is imperative to keep ourselves and our personal information as safe as possible. To do this, we can arm ourselves with secure passwords guaranteed to build a fortress around our computers to protect against malicious people, viruses and scams… Here are some tips how:

Tip #1: The longer, the better. While it’s best to pick a password that you can remember, it’s more important that you make your password as long as possible. Always use at least eight characters.

Tip #2: Use an array of characters. When devising a password impossible to crack, your best bet will be to mix it up with as many different characters as you can. Use numbers, symbols and switch between upper and lower-case letters. You can even use incorrect spellings of words or switch symbols and/or numbers for letters. Examples: “hello” would be “h3llo” or “he!!0”

Tip #3: Pick a password based on a phrase. A great method for selecting a password that you will remember is to use the first letter of each word in a phrase, including numbers and punctuation. Example: “I have 2 dogs: Jake and Charlie!” would translate to “Ih2D:JaC!”

Tip #4: Never include personal info. If you create a password composed of personally identifying details, you will make it extremely easy for hackers to figure out. Stay away from things like your name, phone number, address, birthdate, names of family members, social security number or anything else that would set you apart from the next person.

Tip #5: Avoid common passwords. Sure it’s easy to type in “password1” every time you log onto your computer, however, this could reap serious problems should someone break the code. Here are some other passwords in which to avoid:
• Passwords with characters all right next to each other on a keyboard. Examples: 12345, QWERTY (also, never use these backwards or followed by a single digit)
• Passwords composed of all the same letter. Example: JJJJJJ

Tip #6: Change your password. Don’t get too comfortable with your password—to make sure that you stay secure, it is suggested that you change your password every 30 days and you should never go longer than 90. Also, never re-use old passwords.

Tip #7: Keep it to yourself. Don’t share your password with anyone and do your best to avoid writing it down. If you absolutely have to write it down, don’t write the whole password but instead write a hint that would allow you to put it together. Also be sure to keep it in a place where only you have access—never leave it on a piece of paper near your computer.

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